Technology for the Glory of God


Authenticating Terraform with a GitHub App

In my current role, I configured Terraform to manage our GitHub organisation. As with all providers, we need need to provide credentials for authentication. I didn’t want to use an access token, as they are tied to an individual user and will cause breakage should the user depart the organisation. Thankfully, GitHub supports using an application for authentication. Create the GitHub Application The first step in the process is to create a new GitHub application.

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Deploying Terraform via a DevOps Pipeline

Not everyone is privileged to be able to use Terraform Cloud for deploying their Terraform infrastructure. This means that teams need to use their existing DevOps tooling to deploy their infrastructure via Terraform. While I’ve seen many examples of pipelines for deploying Terraform code with various services, it felt like something was missing. Most example pipelines were designed to just run once a code review had occurred, and often would automatically deploy the changed code without any intervention.

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